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Street Supplies Library

Provided by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordination Agncy (NOACA), Street Supplies is a library of supplies for temporary street installations for bicycle, pedestrian and transit improvements. The library includes a range of materials such as paint, bike racks and planters.

Active Streets Toolkit

The Active Streets LA Street Treatment toolkit contains 45 idea cards explainging elements of street design, signage and transportation assets.

Laneway Revitalization

Laneways are narrow passageways for either vehicle or pedestrian travel. Around the world, cities and towns are revitalizing laneways as usable space for green infrastructure, the arts, cafes & social activity.

Toolkit for Artist Designed Bike Racks

Metro Arts is responsible for arts & cultural policy/programming for the combined city/county government of Nashville, Tennessee. In June 2016, they released a toolkit for artists interested in building bike racks as art.

UrbanDig Project Omonia – Artistic Practices for Sustainable Urban Communities

UrbanDig Project is the meeting point of performance art and urban space within a "dig" of a cultural capital in the contemporary city. in Athens Greece, The project supports bottom-up activities and intends to build trust inside the communities by integrating innovative practices in ways that are outside traditional norms but expect to share a common interest in the neighborhood leading to its’ sustainable development.

Playgrounds for Useful Knowledge

Playgrounds for Useful Knowledge held playful community programming on a vacant lot to tackle thorny issues such as gentrification, environmental restoration and housing through participatory design.

Arts and Planning Toolkit

The Arts and Planning Toolkit include tools to support & innovate placemaking and community development work incorporating arts, culture, and the creative community. Aimed towards urban/community planners in Massachusetts, any town can adapt the featured strategies.

Street Dances

During creative events, group dance events combine art, activity & engagement

Place Diary

Place diaries reveal both positive and negative aspects of city design from various users' points of view.

Place Conversations and Diaries

Place conversations allow anyone to join a conversation in public. Different prompts can either start a general conversation or address a specific topic. Place conversations allow anyone to join a conversation in public. Various prompts can either start a general conversation or address a specific topic. Place conversations can be formal & scheduled, or smaller, surreptitious interactions.