Street Dances

During creative events, group dance events combine art, activity & engagement

Benefits & Problems Addressed

Active arts: Combine physical activity with arts and dance programs for all ages.

Take advantage of street closures: During arts festivals, fairs & creative programming, organizers have already secured permits to close streets.  

Tips & Techniques

Work with local dance troupe & schools: Have dance companies lead group dances.

Music: Pick upbeat music everyone can relate to of all ages. For holidays pick seasonal songs for example Michael Jackson's Thriller for Halloween, Hold a couple of practice rounds first to get the hang or project videos as a guide.

Scheduling dances: Group dance routines can be programmed or "flash mob" style. Greeley, Colorado replaces Walk signs with "Dance."

Hot Buttons: Public Works may be reluctant to alter signs. Be mindful with amplified music




Images: Main: Flickr/City of Greeley CO; Flickr/ Bradley Stemke.