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US Climate Resilience Toolkit

The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit is a website designed to help people find and use tools, information, and subject matter expertise to build climate resilience. The Toolkit offers information from all across the U.S. federal government in one easy-to-use location.

Drivers of Change cards

The Future Deck cards spark conversations about the emerging challenges and opportunities, in this case in Singapore

Green Alleys

Alleys offer opportunities for green infrastructure by replacing impervious pavement with pervious materials and landscaping. Cities can also swap older lighting with energy efficient fixtures.

Tool Lending Libraries

Like a book lending library, tool libraries allow members to check out hand/power tools for short term use.

Channels and Runnels

Channels and runnels are concrete or stone lined pathways used to carry rainwater runoff along the surface or subsurface to other stormwater features and systems. Runnels are smaller, shallow systems while larger, deeper channels carry larger flows.

Shipping Containers as Buildings

As interest in repurposing shipping (or cargo) containers for buildings, housing and other uses grows, cities are developing new regulations for reuse and siting.

Pre-Disaster Mitigation Programs

Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) programs provide consulting and funds to select recipients for hazard mitigation planning and hazard mitigation projects, including construction, prior to a disaster event.

Inventory Apps for Disaster Recovery

Inventory apps help business owners, homeowners and renters catalog possessions to speed recovery and insurance post-disaster or post-break in. Cities can include these apps as part of disaster planning.

Mow to Own Vacant Lot Programs

"Mow to Own" programs enlist local residents who wish to acquire vacant, typically city-owned lots to care for lots in exchange for eventual ownership of the lot. These programs typically most effective in cities with a considerable number of vacant lots and low demand.

Invasive Species Management

Invasive aquatic, plant, animal & microbial species disrupt local ecological systems, causing negative impacts for local flora & fauna, posing economic threats, and destabilizing systems.

Rural Broadband & Internet Access

Access to high speed internet is essential as services & opportunity via technology grows, but like all utilities difficult to provide in areas of dispersed & isolated populations.

Priority Based Budgeting

Priority Based Budgeting scrutinizes government program performance in meeting important community goals given budget & resource constraints.

Real Time Flood Monitoring & Alerts

Real time, connected monitors alert first responders and city residents of areas under risk of flash flooding & inundation. Technology can also add a predictive feature for even earlier alerts.

Tree Canopy

Tree canopy programs increase and maintain tree canopy coverage in urban & suburban areas for commercial & residential settings.

Adaptive Reuse Programs

Adaptive reuse integrates new uses into existing buildings that are often not allowed under existing technical, building and zoning codes and standards.

Hazard Risk Assessment

Hazard risk assessments determine potential impacts to people, the economy, and built & natural environments. The risk assessment provides the foundation for identifying mitigation strategies.

Green Streets

Green street designs support water management, flood control, landscaping & mobility options.