What's New in City Design

Pothole & Pavement Mapping

New smartphone apps, cameras and vehicle sensors collect road condition data, As volunteers and/or municipal vehicles drive, sensors detect disturbances (the potholes) and report the location for data analysis and maintenance schedules.

Benefits & Problems Addressed

Cost savings for drivers and the local government:  According to AAA, potholes cost drivers $3 billion annually. Cities can deploy workers on regular shifts instead of assigning separate road inspection crews.

Early warning: Recording unstable rides can detect pavement deterioration before potholes form. Data can also detect where underlying conditions and instability exist. Fixing the foundation can prevent repetitive potholes and associated costs.

Public engagement: Potholes can be one of the more aggravating aspects of city living. By engaging the public, cities can show a proactive campaign to solve problems.

Tips & Techniques

Getting started: Document the pothole-filling process in place, including responsibility, budget, and historic data. See what types of technology exists or might be in the procurement pipeline.

Apps: The City of Boston created Street Bump, a smart phone app that any driver can use. Cars report "bumps" to the app. If enough vehicles record the same data in the same spot, the city knows to inspect further.

Data: Make sure your Department(s) can process large amount of camera/app-collected sensor data.

Making the case for funding: Because these programs can quickly record and map pothole location, use the maps to make the case for adequate resources to address not only repair, but roadbed reconstruction to prevent potholes in the first place.

Hot Buttons: The ability to handle and process large amounts of data. The city or town's ability to repair all of the potholes identified (i.e. the publics' expectations can be raised as they contribute to the program). Where there are more potholes than funds, determining the order of repair can invoke competition among neighborhoods. 


Street Bump: Boston MA, US