What's New in City Design

Street Supplies Library

Provided by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordination Agncy (NOACA), Street Supplies is a library of supplies for temporary street installations for bicycle, pedestrian and transit improvements. The library includes a range of materials such as paint, bike racks and planters.

Benefits & Problems Addressed

The ability to test new designs:  Temporary installations allow a community to test and develop buy-in for street modifications.

Community building around safer streets:  The library provides supplies for groups who rally around safer streets.

Safer streets to encourage active transportation: Communities across the country seek new ways to slow traffic in order to avoid crashes among auto drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.  Studies demonstrate the power of modifying streets through small physical installations and paint.

Tips & Techniques

Background: The program began in March 2018 with a workshop dedicated to brainstorming on possible community projects and shared resources. Partners included Ohio's Departments of Transportation and Health
Process: The program has a big focus on process. given the need to include the many parties with a stake in designing and managing public rights of way.  A good project will also include numerous tasks that are coordinated within a work plan. 

Construction  planning: A construction plan, with input and oversight from a traffic engineer,  includes an accurate aerial drawing that shows: (1) where pavement markings and traffic signs will be installed, covered up, and/or removed; (2) where cones, delineator posts, and street furniture will be placed; (3) dimensions and other measurements needed to construct the plan; (4) detailed drawings; and (5) any signal timing modifications.

Materials map: A materials map serves two purposes: (1) a list of supplies and (2) delivery locations for installation day.

Engagement and feedback:  Temporary installations are valuable for testing and measuring transportation and street usage. Tips on engagement include: (1) post clear contact information for your project’s dedicated spokesperson on all materials; (2) log feedback in a format you can easily summarize later (like a spreadsheet); and (3) schedule an educational/discussion tour for residents. Make sure you clearly define the goals of the project and problems to be addressed.

Hot buttons: Any project, even temporary one, will require partnership with several Departments (Public Works, Public Safety, Engineering, Planning). Many of these staffers may not be familiar with the trend in temporary (or tactical) installations.  Any project will need to engage affected neighborhoods early, since many may resist any changes to local streets.


Street Supplies Homepage

Community Guidance Document

January 2019 Inventory Sheet