What's New in City Design

Toronto Draft Autonomous Vehicles (AV) Tactical Plan

The AV Tactical Plan outlines how the City should prepare for AVs and how it can influence the direction of the technology in these early stages. The overall goal is to be proactive, ensuring that Toronto is well-placed to both maximize opportunities and mitigate impacts arising from the arrival of AVs in the City. The tactical plan is keyed to long range 2050 goals, with checkpoints in 2022.

Benefits & Problems Addressed

Getting in front of technology:  a tactical plan does not leave AV technologies' adoption trajectories to fate; rather, the city and key stakeholders can shape how they incorporate autonomous vehicles into their overall mobility system.

Consistent policy application: The Plan sets consistent direction for the multitude of Departments and agencies involved in successfully shaping the plan.

Tips & Techniques

Background: In 2016, City Council requested staff to report on preparations, potential implications and public acceptance of AVs.

Part I (background research)

Part II Tactical Plan Introduction 

The seven Directions that set the foundation of a new transportation system design are:

  1. Social Equity & Health 
  2. Environmental Sustainability 
  3. Economic Sustainability 
  4. Privacy
  5. Road Safety & Security  
  6. Integrated Mobility  
  7. Transportation System Efficiency 

The three additional sections for further study and internal operations are Public Service Vehicles, Additional Research & Future-Proofing, and Tactical Plan Governance.


Toronto Automated Vehicles Tactical Plan Webpage (October 2019)