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ITE Curbside Management Practitioners Guide

This 2018 Guide (50 pages) from the Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE) provides an overview of planning consideration for curbside management. Curb space is where movement meets access, however, is not always optimized for its highest and best use. Traditional uses, such as on-street parking and loading, are experiencing increased competition for space from technology-enabled uses such as Transportation Network Companies such as Uber and Lyft, as well as increased deliveries with e-commerce.

Street Supplies Library

Provided by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordination Agncy (NOACA), Street Supplies is a library of supplies for temporary street installations for bicycle, pedestrian and transit improvements. The library includes a range of materials such as paint, bike racks and planters.

Designing Policy: The Game

Designing Policy is a board & card game to help players understand and navigate a project, its design, and relevant policies. The game was developed in 2017 by the Enterprise Rose Architectural Fellowship.

Mobile Front Porch

Livable Memphis, a non-profit in Memphis Tennesee, constructed a mobile kiosk, in the form of a front porch, to take civic meetings to the streets.

Active Streets Toolkit

The Active Streets LA Street Treatment toolkit contains 45 idea cards explainging elements of street design, signage and transportation assets.

Los Angeles Transportation Technology Strategy

The city of Los Angeles California released its first Transportation Technology strategies in September 2016 to weave emerging policy and technology innovation (apps, software, shared use, vehicles, signage, payment ) into local /regional formal transportation plans.

UrbanDig Project Omonia – Artistic Practices for Sustainable Urban Communities

UrbanDig Project is the meeting point of performance art and urban space within a "dig" of a cultural capital in the contemporary city. in Athens Greece, The project supports bottom-up activities and intends to build trust inside the communities by integrating innovative practices in ways that are outside traditional norms but expect to share a common interest in the neighborhood leading to its’ sustainable development.

Playgrounds for Useful Knowledge

Playgrounds for Useful Knowledge held playful community programming on a vacant lot to tackle thorny issues such as gentrification, environmental restoration and housing through participatory design.

Tool Lending Libraries

Like a book lending library, tool libraries allow members to check out hand/power tools for short term use.

Public Space Stewardship Guide

San Francisco CA has issued the Public Space Stewardship Guide: A toolkit for funding, programming and maintenance. Focused on parks and small scale projects, the guide is presented in both pdf and a web-based formats.

Adopt-a-Vacant-Lot Toolkits

Cities can enlist citizens, companies and non-profit groups to adopt, manage or put vacant lots to community uses such as gardens, stormwater management and playgrounds.

Mow to Own Vacant Lot Programs

"Mow to Own" programs enlist local residents who wish to acquire vacant, typically city-owned lots to care for lots in exchange for eventual ownership of the lot. These programs typically most effective in cities with a considerable number of vacant lots and low demand.

Popup Work Spaces

Popup workspaces provide temporary, outdoor workspaces with amenities (electricity, Wi-Fi, and seating) as gathering spaces centered on work.

Maker Spaces

Maker spaces provide affordable equipment & work spaces for growing small manufacturing.

Adaptive Reuse Programs

Adaptive reuse integrates new uses into existing buildings that are often not allowed under existing technical, building and zoning codes and standards.