What's New in City Design

All Transportation is Local: Guide for Policy Makers

This handbook outlines practical steps that local elected officials can take right away to improve their transportation systems and make their cities better places to live, work, and visit

Benefits & Problems Addressed

Written for decision makers: The manual is written for top decision makers in cities and towns. Using this perspective, the manual goes straight to elected officals' concerns rather than technical specifications.  The manual also lists improvements that can be completed within a term of office.

Making the most of existing infrastructure: The manual allows elected officials to address ubiquitous concerns over limited budgets.

Tips & Techniques

Guide format: The guide is presented both in web format and as downloadable pdf (159 pages)

How to Make the Most of Your Time in Office: Strategies include (1) Hire the right people – and empower them to move fast; (2) Pair strategic planning with action; (3) Use quick build street design.

Alliances That Get Results: (1) You may not run transit, but you can lead; (2) Partner with employers; (3) Work with (or around) state government; (4) Work with civic leaders

Make the Most of Your Infrastructure: (1) Take the lead on shared-use mobility, Transportation network Companies (TNCs) taxis, and emerging mobility providers, (2) Use pricing to manage parking supply; (3) Create efficient loading space; (4) Encourage and incentivize transportation options (e.g., lead targeted marketing campaigns and community events); (5) Encourage and incentivize transportation options (e.g., develop a universal transit pass program)

Rewrite the Rules to Boost Growth, Not Traffic: (1) Parking policy (e.g., reduce parking minimums, allow shared parking, and create transit overlay zones); (2) Change development review with a focus on multi-modal traffic (e.g., eliminate auto Level of Service (LOS) from transportation impact review, rethink trip-generation and parking standards, and integrate transportation options into the development review process); (3) Design streets to move more people; (4) Design walkable, transit-friendly neighborhoods.

Hot Buttons:  Constituents often view street design built solely for cars as a positive and will oppose efforts to revamp rights-of-way for multiple modes.


All Transportation is Local: A Field Guide for City Leaders- Transit Center